Average a group of numbers When you need to find an average, you can click a button, or use a function in a formula. The AutoSum button lets you find the average in a column or row of numbers where there are no blank cells. Use the AVERAGE or the AVERAGEIF functions to find the average of numbers that aren’t in a contiguous row or column. And use the SUMPRODUCT and the SUM functions to find a weighted average, which depends on the weight that’s applied to the values.
Make the switch to Excel 2013 Watch these videos to make the switch to Excel 2013. Get started with the new version to see how to do everyday tasks.
Take conditional formatting to the next level In the course Use conditional formatting, we covered the basics of conditional formatting. Here, we’ll go a few steps further and see how to apply conditional formatting to cells, tables, PivotTables, and worksheets. For example, to quickly conditionally format cells, you can use a Quick Analysis option or an option on the Conditional Formatting button in the ribbon. We’ll also use formulas to apply conditional formatting, and learn how to edit and delete rules using the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager.
Use conditional formatting It can be hard to get a lot of meaning out of numbers in a worksheet. But Excel provides a bunch of ways to quickly analyze your data using conditional formatting. For example, you can use a color scale to differentiate high, medium, and low temperature values.
VLOOKUP: When and how to use it Learn how to use the VLOOKUP function to find data in a large spreadsheet, and on other worksheets in a large workbook. These videos explain each of the VLOOKUP arguments, and mistakes to avoid.
Advanced IF functions Take this course to learn complex examples and variations of the IF function in Excel, including nested IF functions, IF with AND and OR, COUNTIFS and SUMIFS, and AVERAGEIFS and IFERROR.
Create and manage drop-down lists You can make a worksheet more efficient by providing drop-down lists. Someone using your worksheet clicks an arrow, and then clicks an entry in the list. Take this course to learn more about how best to use and manage them.
Work with macros You want to automate a repetitive task in Excel so that you can do the task again with a single click. The best way to do that? Record a macro. And the macro recorder is the easiest way to create a new macro in Excel. Take this course to learn more. |